Advance Cover Crops only selects the best products in the industry. Our selection of Crop Rollers has over 20 years of design innovation with the Rodale Institute and brands such as I&J mfg and Progressive Ag Innovation. These Crop Rollers are engineered to be user friendly with lasting quality for an extended life span.

Improves Weed Suppression
Rolling and compressing improves the weed suppression of the cover crops.

Reduces Herbicide Use
One pass with a roller can turn vetch into a 5-inch thick, weed-suppressing mulch.

Add Extra Weight
Add up to 75 lbs. per linear foot with water or other liquids to enhance performance.
Are cover crops right for your operation? In our free digital guide, learn about the basics of no-till cover crops, and how/when to use roller crimpers.

Grass & Cereals
Another quick-spreading cover crop, Grass and Cereals provide protection against erosion and weeds but are prized for improving soil fertility and water holding capacity