Newbie Sugar Beet

Newbie Sugar Beet

Cover Crop - Newbie Sugar Beet Seeds - Advance Cover Crops
Seeds per lb. 18,000

Newbie Sugar Beet

Brassica: Cool Season

Minimum Germination Temp: 51 ℉

Emergence Time:

Drill: 6-8 lb. per acre

Broadcast With Light Incorporation:

Aerial Or Surface Seeding: Not recommended for broadcast or aerial seeding.

Newbie Sugar Beets are an excellent option to add to a cover crop mix after wheat harvest. Studies have demonstrated their ability to take roots down over five feet by the fall. Newbie sugar beets have proven to be more cold tolerant than Radishes, which combined with their higher C:N ratio, will lead to the release of the nutrients closer to the time your cash crops will be planted.   Exudates produced by the sugar beet are an excellent food source for the soil micro-biology as well as the earth worms. The tuber of the Newbie Sugar Beet does not push its self out of the ground as a radish tends to do, therefore they expand in the soil to address the compaction. Even when planted in August, roots will reach 3.5 feet. This is a warm season brassica. They also are a good forage for livestock and wildlife, enabling the plant and the root to be consumed.

Score Card

Nitrogen Source | 0/5
Nutrient Scavenger | 5/5
Soil Builder | 4/5
Subsoil Performance | 4/5
Topsoil Performance | 3/5
Erosion Control | 2/5
Weed Suppression | 4/5
Grazing Value | 3/5
Hay Value | 0/5
Lasting Residue | 1/5
To Request A Quote:

Call: +618 922 7446


Min Order $500
Note: Prices are subject to change.
Adam Dahmer - Advance Cover Crops

Advance Cover Crops selects only the best products in the industry. With 20+ years in the industry, we know what works. After seeing the success cover crops have had in our own operations, we dedicated ourselves to educating and helping others do the same. Our selection of trusted brands include Bio Till, Grassland Oregon, I&J mfg, and Progressive Ag Innovation. Enhance any no-till farming operation with our line of Crop Rollers.

Ready to get started? Contact our team of specialists to help you select the right products for your operation. We serve clients nationwide and in Canada.

+618 922 7446


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    Our Advantage

    We Offer Quality Products For No-Till Farming

    Advance Cover Crops selects only the best products in the industry. With 20+ years in the industry, we know what works. After seeing the success cover crops have had in our own operations, we dedicated ourselves to educating and helping others do the same. Our selection of trusted brands include Bio Till, Grassland Oregon and I&G mfg.

    Enhance no-till farming operations with our line of crop rollers. Our rollers have 20+ years of design innovation with the Rodale Institute. They are engendered for usability and lasting quality. Paired with top cover crop brands, you will get the results your operations require.

    Ready to get started?
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    +618 922 7446

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